
Portland Is Always, Always On My Mind

This is a pic I snagged off the net - it's a marquee in Hollywood, Portland. I am positively brimming with excitement and good feelings about this go-round. My second attempt to leave this city and cast off for parts northwest of here.

When I interviewed for that job earlier there was so much negativity attached. They were slightly horrible to me and I felt so much pressure b/c of my desperation and the Puppy's need for me to succeed. But this time it's all different - things are falling into place. I have 4 estimates set up for moving companies, I have a little money coming my way to cover the move, and I have one interview for when I arrive, and hopefully an interview with Intel next week for a position I'd be perfect for.

I know I've asked before for people to wish me luck and send all their extra helpings of good karma my way, but now I feel like if you send it, that's kewl, cuz I am generating plenty of good karma on my own.

In other news, my friend K in Chicago told me she's thinking of volunteering for this organization called Glass Slipper where you help underprivileged girls pick out donated prom dresses and jewelry. I was confused for a sec when she told me - I thought for a segundo that you take them shopping, and I was like, but what if they’re totally fat and you have to hit like the H&M big girls section and all they have is a teal prom dress in a 2X and she needs baby blue in a 3X and she starts crying? And meanwhile K's all skinny and hip and telling the poor big girl that it’s okay and the girl is like “no! no it’s not! I hate you!” And stuff.

Then K essplained that there is no shopping involved. Still, there could be a scene. I recommended that K avoid the Glass Slip and instead volunteer for the Roller Derby team - they need PR and K would be perfect.

More detritus from my day: I was emailing a friend of K's about this and that and I mentioned the word "sully." Thinking back on how much I adore the word "sully" brought to mind just how much I loved it - and the word "defile" - and how much I used them when the Puppy was living with me. As in “I’m running to the store – don’t defile my dog while I’m gone,” and “Your man stink has sullied my sofa. Thank you for that.”

No. I'm not kidding.

And more useless info from my so-called life: I just agreed to wait tables at the restaurant my brother manages. Just two shifts a week. I'll defile myself before diners whom I feel superior to in the name of making an extra 100 bucks a week (for the move, natch) and to get myself off the sofa now and again. Since I've decided that Yes I Am Absolutely Positively Moving Come Hell or High Water I've also decided that going out and spending money on pointless nights of Cougar-watching are not appropriate ways to spend my time or money. So even though I feel it is beneath me (I am so fucking cracking up as I write this), yes, waiting tables it will be. I figure I can get in a cool 8 shifts before I hit the road. That should be enough!

ps: it's my birfday. Happy Feckin Birthday To Me! (that's the wine talkin)

Shyness is nice, and

Shyness can stop you

From doing all the things in life

You’d like to

Shyness is nice, and

Shyness can stop you

From doing all the things in life

You’d like to

So, if there’s something you’d like to try

If there’s something you’d like to try

Ask me - I won’t say no - how could I ?

Tell Me About It:
Okay, no I'm not. I am too much of a princess to do it. I can't, I can't, I can't. Isn't that awful? I did it for too long (23-25) to go back. It sucks to be such a priss, but I can't...do...it...
I just LOVE that you are believing more in the Karma that you YOURSELF have created. That's been my motto, and I find I make my own luck that way. So, I would wish you best of luck, but like you said, you don't need it! :-)
Waiting tables.... EEEEWWWWW!! You have WAY more strength than me. I tried to go back to waiting tables for extra money about five years ago and quit before the training even started. The thought of waiting on people made my skin crawl - I Couldn't do it ever again. Good luck with the move to Portland - here's hoping it all works out for you this time. Fingers Crossed!

Paula (Wife of Rob S., Old roommate and good friend of the Ghosher :o) )
Aw SHIT... I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!
hey Paula - I totally remember you, girl! Hope all is well. You guys are in Denver, right? And OH MAH GAWD NO i can't wait tables. I, too, experienced the crawling skin. I think it's only something you feel when you've waited tables before and somehow think you've "transcended" it. It's a great way to earn money, and it's so massively retarded that I can't do it. I'd rather leech myself to death, eat paint, spend an hour with Kelly Ripa TALKING about Kelly Ripa...
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