
Me. Not the dog. He's perky and hangover-free. I, in stark contrast, am not.
1. After a quick drink at Dick's with friend Sid, her hubby and D, that guy from the culinary festival who crushed on me, Sid and I meandered over to the Swizzle Inn to hog the jukebox while Hubby and D went to another bar for a friend's birthday. They came back to find...
2. ...me and Sid knee-deep in a huge group of fabulous gay guys whom I gave drunken fashion advice to, as in "you're hot but you could be hotter if..." It wasn't pretty but they loved it. We all exchanged cards.
3. Was kissed by D, a number of times, actually, and I felt all silly and high school and a bit "not right" about it. I finally broke the smooch curse (I told him "no tongue, please"), and he's an amazing guy - smart, funny, cute - but he doesn't make me feel like giving him The Shush...or The Bad. Methinks my next kiss should be with someone who makes me want to throw my panties on the stage. Room key, too. He did ask me on a date, though. To dinner. He wants to feed me! I love that! But I don't want to give him the wrong idea. He's awesome, I'm moving to Portland, and frankly we didn't "connect" - not like you have to connect to bat your eyelashes over dinner and then sloppily make out in the parking lot later. Sigh.
4. Watched The Pixies with the drunken troupe back at my house after le bar. Yay, Austin City Limits! Sid passed out on my sofa and the guys bought a 20-pack of beer, of which we drank a total of four. Only dudes would do that. Four tipsy people, 20 more beers. Yes, that makes sense. Went to bed around 12:30, woke up at 2 a.m. to snarf cottage cheese in a sleep-addled stupor, and woke again at 6 a.m. despite my deep desire to sleep until, oh, TOMORROW. I wasn't drunk last night, just inebriated for about 6 hours! And still - STILL - I woke with the sun and took the dog for a walk. And did two loads of laundry. And watered my lawn. It's not even 8:30 and I am feeling like my day is DONE.
5. Going to be a busy day: Two in-home moving estimates from 10-12, the EH is coming over to install something on my computer, and then dinner with my parents. I am in no shape to do any of this, as my head is swelling from the inside and apparently has left no room for my eyeballs, which feel like they're being shoved out of my skull. No. Seriously. OUCH.
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