One Word to Describe...

One word to describe my house now that the Puppy is gone...
So yesterday I filled it with Stuff. I went to Ikea in the morning and bought this cheap and ridiculi office chair - in Hot Pink, natch, my dad bought me a gigantic rug for my living room, and then I went out later and bought myself a dining-room table and chairs. I woke up this morning to a brand-new house, practically. Well, other than the sad fact that the chair bottom is supposed to "click in" and I can't make that happen. Telling you...not that handy around the house. I have other talents.
Anyhoo, the Pup has been calling me regularly to keep me updated on his progress so far to the Motherland (Portland). it took him two days to make it to southern Oregon, as he's trailering behind his 4runner and ran into torrential rains, hurricane-force winds, hail and snow. We were thinking next would come a swarm of locusts and frogs falling from the sky. I was only half-joking when I said, "These are signs. Come back!"
My friend S described it as how Siamese Twins must feel when they're separated. My gawd, is it that bad? And today when he called he was like "it's going to be ridiculi how we call constantly to talk about the minutae." Hm. It made sense when we were in the same city, but now I won't have any idea who/what he's talking about. That's what happens when friends leave. I'm used to it by now, as my four best friends have left the state in the past three years, but losing the Puppy, oof, it hurts. I was sad to see the others go - some much more than others - but this does have a spooky "losing my other" sense about it. Maybe it wouldn't be so extreme if he hadn't spent all that time in my house. Sigh.
In other news, I was cleaning up this morning and somehow - in my semi-retarded morning state - smacked myself in the face with an empty wine bottle. It smarts. I held an ice-pack to my head for about an hour, then when I left later to run an errand I put my sunglasses on and it still hurt! I'm just relieved that I don't have a black eye. Yay, me.
Note to self: Get A Life! Get out of the house - don't sit around and stare at new furniture and think how bored you are without the Pup. Fucking Do Something!
Eh. Yesterday I was inordinately busy, talked to a bunch of people on the phone for extended conversations, and even had a friend over for dinner. For today, I'll stay home & smoke cigarettes. Decompress. Do laundry and look at my table. I'm a little sad around the edges. As for going out, I'll wait until my face doesn't hurt.
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