If I Looked the Way I Feel...

Then I would look like this. Completely wacked out.
Today I am going to pitch consulting to my current employer. I've worked out a 3-month plan and am going to tell them "I am considering moving to Portland." That way if they say no then I can come back from San Francisco on Monday and give them my two weeks. OH MY GAWD.
So yeah, a weekend in SF with boy-crazy L. I am psyched. We're seeing the Lucksmiths on Saturday and I asked only for a long, long day of walking tomorrow. Who knows what else we'll do, I'm down as long as it's free!
Spent $20 last night on a bad martini and a bland caesar salad at some new jazz club. A huge waste of money, but it was nice to see M and A for (what might be) the last time before I go. Beeyatches! They should have sprung for my grub! Ha.
I have to pack up my crap in the next two weeks and figure out what I can shove into my little car while still leaving room for me, S and The Chop. I have to get moving insurance. I have to get a map of California! All these things to do and so little time.
So I had a couple days of huge freekout about the move - as in "what the hell am I doing" and "the moving company is going to rip me off." But I have to believe that they want to move my stuff, not hold it hostage, and remember that people move every day, for much less positive reasons.
When I get to Portland I am going to get in touch with the editor of www.portlandpicks.com, who is expecting my call. At the very least I can freelance for her and meet some new people/explore the city. I'm also hoping to get involved in the WriteAround Group (http://www.writearound.org/response/index.htm) and do some volunteer work. As my friend JB said, "It's not like you're going up there to do crack." Oh, but what if I was! Whitney and Bobby make crack look so glam. And Lindsay Lohan seems to be doing her share of cocaine...maybe drugs ARE the answer. Maybe I'm missing out.
But, as Elton John sings, "then again, no."