Enter the Happy Place

OMG what a day. I'm struggling at work to keep focused and adhere to any semblance of an ethic because I am so fucking psyched about splitting this sunburned burg and heading up north to the Promised Land. Now I'm hoping for May 23. I'll go to my brother's wedding, see Queens of the Stone Age with de Leon, and hit the road with Somlynn for parts northwest of here.
The Puppy keeps calling - constantly - to rub in how fucking awesome it is up there, to share his good fortunes as they fall into his lap, and to make sure I'm getting my ass in gear for my big move. In one week he's landed a job, found a good Mexican restaurant, some good coffee shops, been to the ocean, picked up one of his favorite movies on DVD for $7.99 and found a band to jam with. He's all psyched for us to join a gym together and to - don't say it, don't say it - to re-cohabitate. Platonically. At least temporarily. I was determined to live on my own and I wasn't going to raise the topic of being roommates and I thought "if he does, I'll give him the reasons why that's not a good idea." Then he brought it up and I was like "oh totally yes fine fine fine." Both of us will be so cracked out on loving the city that I predict that we'll have a blast exploring it together.
Yay Puppy. Yay me!
I figger it's like this: there are some people that make you excited about life. For me, The Puppy is that person. I maybe got it mixed up a bit with romantic feelings, but that's because life seems so romantic when he's around. Does that make sense? It's a good thing.
In other news...I introduced Pork Chop to wet dog food - just a little bit in with his delishus kibble - and now he does the Happy Dance every night when he gets fed. He rolls around on the Ikea rug afterward and rubs his face and licks his paws. This is combined with the fact that for his sake, and for mine, to escape the badgering rays of the Phoenix late-spring sun, I've been getting up early and taking him on an extra-long walk each morning. Yep. At 6:30. It's pretty demented since I've always been somewhat of a night owl, but now with the getting up early I'm also going to bed early. I'm in bed with a book every night by 9:00. WHAT AN EXCITING LIFE I LEAD.
Right now I'm gearing up to reheat some Thai basil chicken, I already did Pilates, and then I'm going to watch Dig! (the doc about the Dandy Warhols/Brian Jonestown Massacre drug-addled feud), fill out some loan paperwork and then, yep, go to bed with a book.
Oh, and K's friend emailed me about that one guy who Adored Me on Saturday. She was like "so what did you think of X?" And I said, "I think he should buy me dinner." So we'll see. He's so not my type but a smart, fun, funny guy, and I need some practice going on dates, truly, as I haven't been on an actual date since, oh, 1998. We'll see if he actually calls me. We'll see...we'll see...