
Back in the Saddle?

I haven't felt like blogging in a long, long time. What's the point when life moves too quickly and the details I'd been sharing were piling up faster than I could contemplate them, much less report them? But lately I feel the need. Things are changing quickly and I've been remiss in my duties. Remiss in my writing, especially.

It's difficult when you don't have privacy. The Puppy moved into my house 5 weeks ago and life has been insane - been learning a lot about myself and spending an enormous amount of QT with a like-minded who makes me laugh and overall, very happy. My friends, however, do not have the warm fuzzies for the Puppy. They feel very strongly, in fact, that aligning myself with him - especially in a new city, as Portland is still on the map - is a huge mistake. I see their logic, but what drives me north pre-dates him and subsumes any influence he may have on my life. I just fucking wanna go.

I keep applying for jobs and getting these notes from employers about how they want to hire locally - "call us when you get here" is the main theme of their responses. I finally got that big interview in Portland - just last week - but I was there against someone's wishes and was not going to get that job no matter how hard I sold myself. Sucks. Was treated rudely in retrospect. Life. It's retarded.

Tell Me About It:
I lost the will to blog. It's back now. Weirdly. I think b/c I am getting fed up with my actual "life" and need another outlet. Calgon, take me away!
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