She's Been Waiting for You...

Oh, Suzanne, my god you are so misinformed. Snagged this photo off www.fuggingitup.blogspot.com. It's nice to see the old girl back in action - off the HSN sofa and into our hearts and minds, courtesy of the internet.
So I spent some time this weekend applying for jobs in Portland...and today at work I got a call! From a huge healthcare company - the job is based in the city - and the job is almost exactly what I'm doing now & have done before. The recruiter said she'd email the job description tonight...but it sounds like something I'm perfect for. I was cool as a cuke on the phone with her, but after I ended the call I rang the Puppy and I got so excited - you hope for things, and then you hope some more...it was just a call. Just one bite, but perhaps I'm more marketable than I thought.
Oh, please, if there is someone up there listening...save me from the Inferno that is Summer in Phoenix. Let my hot little asphalt-scarred tootsies take a cool, damp walk on tender Oregon soil...by my birthday...
ps: did I mention that I had lunch with EH on Saturday? I can't remember. We had Vietnamese. I had #29. Always a good bet. The outing was nice, but as usual, I had to initiate most of the conversation. Story of our marriage. He told me that he is thinking of ... get this ... joining the Peace Corps. Who does that??? It’s hard for me to comprehend what goes on in that huge noggin of his… the Peace Corps… wha? Again, yet another reason why our marriage was destined for failure. He’s thinking “where can I live in a shack with people I don’t know, in a country where I don’t speak the language, and then dig ditches all day for latrines?” and I’m thinking, “when’s my next steak dinner?”
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