
Let's Have A Recount!

I think it's time to rename my blog. I was thinking of calling it "My Puppy and Me." All I seem to do is report on when I saw him and what we did. It's getting demented. If anyone is reading this, please let me know - through comments, natch - which direction this should go. Frankly, I see the Puppy every day (twice today, and he might be back a third time for dinner and "Elf"), and even I'm getting bored with the daily update. I mean, it's fantastic on my end - the kid keeps me in stitches and it's a mutual admiration society nonpareil...but still.

Here are your options, fair readers! Fellow masochists!
1. More blogging about the Puppy
2. More blogging about my insane EH (who now says the whole motor home thing was just "a joke")
3. More blogging about shoes, handbags and other unnecessaries that I buy despite my bank account's best interests
4. More about my sick fascination with television and the love/hate relationship I have with my sofa and my remote
5. More ramblings about my workspace and the random office doings (which this month involve styrofoam snowmen and mandatory potlucking)
6. None of the above

Truly, picking #6 will stump me. I've got a lot more to talk about, but there are some things I hold sacred...dear, even. Things that are just between me and the lamppost...and whomever else (I won't say whom) is involved in my sordid doings...but if you have an opinion, now is the time to express it.

Thank you for your support.

Tell Me About It:
I say go with a combination of the first 5 - gives you lots of range of things to write about.
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