The Day Before the "Change of Life"

but first: Buy this album. It's good stuff. Trust me.
So tomorrow I move. Despite my late start - and my creeping crud - I managed to get out to buy some boxes (thanks, Dad!) and spent the better part of today packing. It's simply staggering how much stuff I've been able to accumulate in such a small space. My apartment is only about 900 SF, and I have boxes and boxes...and boxes and boxes...of knickknacks and whatnot, two large wardrobe boxes of my "hot" and "cool" clothes (because we don't have seasons in this shit-ass burg - only "Hot" and "Not So Hot") and a large coffin-like suitcase full of shoes, which has previously been used to stump customs at various international airports. And cabbies, too. The mofucker is BIG.
I am going to have to medicate myself tonight in order to get some sleep, I'm afraid. We're talking a Vicoden-and-beer dinner to knock out the excitement that is driving my sick body forward. With momentum. Hey - I "have a lot to offer," but I'm not perfect. Sometimes Mama needs a little help making one day become the next. Eh.
Saw the Puppy twice already today - he stopped by while I was packing. He likes to use me as a home base. This is what I'm discovering: I have morphed from romantic interest (waaay back when) to friend to confidante. I haven't had a friendship this intimate since Bimbelina and I shared an apartment in college. (The main difference now is that the Puppy is the only one getting laid.)
And I believe that if I don't get some lovin by Q2 2005, my nuna will just dry up and fall out from disuse. What a waste!
ps: I am in need of a vintage (50s-era) dining room table and chairs. I need! I need! And none of that "retro re-do" diner crap. What a shitstick that is. Faking vintage furniture is just not right. But it's all over the internet - you can tell the worst offenders by their close proximity to "coca-cola bistro sets." Yeesh.
pps: L is going to stop by in a few minutes with an Ambien for me. Bless her little Hessian heart! (She is totally working that "I care about you...roomie" angle. I won't bend, dammit! I will not bend...)
Good luck on your nuna not falling out!
Everyone else: As for L moving in, it ain't gonna happen. I value my privacy too much. (How hilarious does that sound? Oh, the spankin irony...oof.)
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