Another Weekend Well Spent...

Please - stop this man.
Before I begin my semi-lucid saga I do need to explain that I introduced the Puppy to two new concepts this weekend: blogging (no, I didn't show him mine!) and Fugging It Up. He was so taken by FIU that we spent about an hour Saturday night scrolling and commenting. For your reading enjoyment, here were our first FIU 'ments, about Bobby "What the Hell Is That?!?" Trendy. (fyi: the Puppy's handle is "Abe Frohman, Sausage King of Chicago.")
Abe Frohman said...
Remember how Truman Capote was a gayer version of Ernest Hemingway? Well, Bobby, you're...have you ever heard of Kato Kaelin? It's so like the guy who had the 15 minutes, and we didn't like the first minute. It's just old.
Alisa said...
Bobby, in the words of the great poet Jon bon Jovi: "You give gay a bad name." Please - go back to your cave. Your velvet-covered, freakshow, cracktacular hole. And stay there. Don't come out. Ever. Not even to see if it's spring. Just...stop.
And one more - his comment on Helen Slater's batshit getup. (I am so proud, btw...)
Abe Frohman said...
Let's first address the anatomical issue: I was not aware that a 4-foot leg can have the knee begin just 6 inches from the ground. Perhaps this is one of those natural mishaps that then spawns an evolutionary leap...into hell! Not so much Dante's inferno, but more like the burning, evil condo that He and Darwin shared in the Bay Area during graduate school in the early 70s. As for the outfit, I have no comment, only questions... Where's the shopping cart and the inordinate amount of cats?