It's Official -- Ted Leo Rocks.
Here it is, kids, in black and white, complete with quotes by the reviewers:
1) TED LEO + PHARMACISTS (31) - Our generation's Billy Bragg - ILB- Smart. Literate. Politically charged. Catchy as fuckall. - Teaching The Indie Kids To Dance Again- He's been rocking at a higher level than most for three albums now, but with Shake The Sheets, he's taken it to yet another echelon: politically and lyrically he's synchronized with about half of America right now, the power trio lineup is as tight as hell and he's currently jamming econo around the country, rocking the clubs like any top band should. - Nude as The News- You said that last year, and it's even more true today after the release of the highly political (yet, more on a human-level)Shake The Sheets LP during this contentious election year. It may not be as "good" an album as his earlier albums, but it's the right album for the time (and may be the album to fall back on over the next four years of W). And as per usual, it's full of pop-punk licks & heady lyrics that make up great songs. Ted's shows are a blast, as he is an explosive ball of energy & clever quips throughout.Thank god for Ted Leo. - The Big Ticket
Download: Shake The Sheets, Little Dawn, and a live cover of Lauren Hill's Ex-Factor. And read his blog. Yes, TL blogs. It's genius. And you can listen to lots of songs on the site: www.tedleo.com. FYI: Once the world discovers the loveliness that is Ted Leo + Pharmacists, we're all moving on to Dogs Die in Hot Cars. Fire up those iPods, kiddies! Happy tunes for unhappy times.
In other news, I am, as they say, "up to here" with the denial-laden un-antics of my EH. His grasp of reality is tenuous at best right now. I realize that he is under an inordinate amount of stress, but who the fuck isn't? And he's just announced that he's NOT GOING TO WORK FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF DECEMBER. Who the fuck does that?!? Even Paris fucking Hilton has a day job. Since when did this grown man become so incapable of caring for himself? And when did he become so fucking SENSITIVE? I said, "It's not like you've been to war - you don't need an entire month to recover. Isn't a weekend enough?" And he says, "You don't even know what I've been through, Alisa."
And - KAPOW! - that felt like the last straw for me. i am so tired of this foolishness. Of this inability to deal with the "bad" things in life. Life is often about bad things. Skittles can't always fall from rainbows in the sky. This is what life is - moving forward until you find an obstacle, and then working to remove it. Hiding from it won't make it go away. ARG! I don't recall the last time I was this angry at someone. It does not feel good. I don't like it.
And there are more gruesome details, but I can't bear to share them. I don't
want to have a stroke or anything. Ha? So instead, I'm going to work out right now to get my angst in check. And then I'm going to send some emails, make some tomato soup, and pour myself a nice, tall drink...shite like this makes me wish that I really was more of a drunkard. It would be so lovely to tie one on without the brutal physical pain that is sure to follow more than 2 drinks in a row....so here's something funny to ease the psychic pain that anyone reading this must surely be experiencing, if only from how many times i said "fuck" in today's post: http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?041129fa_fact1
i loved the article from the new yorker. his play on words is brilliant. oh, to have a lover to love you, lance you, and still love you...
A month off?! I had a dream like that once and then I snapped out of it only to have my phone ringing and my boss standing over me trying to tell me how to do a job that he can't even do. EH needs to get a grip on thangs or he's going to wind up standing naked on a bridge pointing a banana at authorities while threatening to jump.
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