
Happiness Is...

My friend C in NYC sent me this gem to start the day:

"I've found that most women like to be drunk." – Nelly

Does it even need a comment? I mean, it’s so beautiful just as-is. But I can’t help myself, Nelly, because it’s no surprise that women would want to be drunk while in your company. Very, very drunk. Didn’t you do that thong song? Oh, right, you were “hot in herrre.” Good one, that. Thank you so much.

So I’m having troubles posting today and I’m completely twisted over it. This is my third version of today’s diatribe – thank god I only have two days left at this job and Ye Olde Boss is out of town, because I am so out of things to do. It’s a beautiful thing. In fact, it’s so good that I’m going to celebrate with some Pimp Juice. Mmm, delish. Tastes like sweat and dyed feathers.

So, I’m thinking of becoming an Ashlee Simpson fan. Eh, maybe not. But http://www.stereogum.com/ has some amusing photoshop work sent in by creative types – all after her Milli Vanilli-Gate, or whatever they’re calling it. A real shocker that she didn’t have actual talent. Check hell – it may be freezing over.

And though I’m not a Sox fan, I’m thrilled that they won the World Series because now there’s no reason to preempt America’s Next Top Model. Of course, I haven’t watched it since that first episode – does anyone know if the big girl is still on? I’m hoping she doesn’t get voted off the island, if only because it would be so amazingly satisfying to watch her tuck into a fried chicken while all those emaciated roommates cry into their celery sticks.

I was all set for ANTM, too, having skipped out on a last-minute birthday dinner (sorry, JB) and rescheduling with M for our “meeting” at El Chorro to discuss our website launch. (Watch for “Phoenix Picks” – one of these days we’ll get it up and running.) Truthfully, though, the real reason we chose El Chorro is because there are usually a number of lecherous old rich men there who are more than happy to buy two young women drinks. And they have a piano player. His name is “Legs” and he does the entire Sinatra catalog. I know what you’re thinking: “Is it El Chorro, or is it Heaven?”

Did anyone watch the lunar eclipse last night? I called Just Joe to let him know it was happening and left a message. This morning he said, “I looked for it, but didn’t see anything.”

But he’ll redeem himself this weekend: we’re going to buckle down and watch Suzanne Somers’ triumphant return to home shopping. She’s doing not only clothes and jewelry, but her foodstuffs as well. Nothing is better than Suzanne in the kitchen. Once she was discussing how she invented Somersweet in a laboratory and how it was so scientific, and then she looked down and muttered, “I don’t know how to turn on this stove.” Genius.

ps: if you haven't visited this site, please do so now, and every day hence.
and once weekly, this: http://www.blacktable.com/archive/craigarchive.htm

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