God Bless the Radar Bros.
Am I blogging the right way? It seems like I should have celeb photos or local gossip/to-dos on here, with lots of graphics and whatnot. It's likely that nobody even reads this bad boy - that it's just an outlet for my borderline narcisissm and quick typing skills. But that does leave the door wide open for me to say whatever I want, right? Where I can talk about how divorce - or the drama you go through before divorce, to be exact - is a horrible, gut-wrenching, bittersweet process. How marriage should be left to those who want to procreate - or gay people, so they can experience the bliss of opening all those gifts you register for and the deep depression that comes from realizing that your betrothed will never, ever, ever take out the trash. Or put the dishes into the dishwasher, instead of leaving them to fester in the sink. Or make the bed, or whatever pet peeve you have that is just small enough to get under your skin and truly test the limits of the "but I love him/her for his/her quirks" speech you are bound to utter like a mantra, day after messy day.
And I can talk about how hard up I am for man-lips and some serious post-martini smooching. And how from now on, I'm only going to point myself toward men older than 35. There's nothing quite as disconcerting as seeing a guy you thought you might like dating a girl who doesn't get national holidays off. And when she asks, "do you work tomorrow?" and it's, um, LABOR DAY, and you, um, realize that she is TWELVE and probably a WAITRESS...um... But I digress.
Anyhoo, tonight i'm going to a reception (read: free booze) at this furniture gallery that my parents frequent. Then they're taking me to dinner. I LOVE FREE THINGS, especially when I can wear jeans and gold ankle-strap heels and drink chilly cocktails while doing them. I was going to hit that chichi gay bar with Just Joe et al but his et al got wasted yesterday so tonight's plans have been dashed. I'm probably better off anyway, since tomorrow will be a bigbigbig day. A wedding at 2:30, then seeing a friend's band play around 7, then around 9 off to a party in Scottsdale for another friend's wedding. Sunday I am going to lay on the sofa like a dead person and watch my Netflix bounty.
No debates for me - I went to the gym. Didn't want to get all worked up. But they had it on with closed captioning, so I was able to follow bits of it. What was really spooky was that on the drive home the debate was still in progress, and the town looked deserted! I'm hoping that people were glued to their televisions & watching the debate, but it was also must-see tv night on nbc, so it's likely they were probably eating Domino's pizza and watching "Joey."
And I can talk about how hard up I am for man-lips and some serious post-martini smooching. And how from now on, I'm only going to point myself toward men older than 35. There's nothing quite as disconcerting as seeing a guy you thought you might like dating a girl who doesn't get national holidays off. And when she asks, "do you work tomorrow?" and it's, um, LABOR DAY, and you, um, realize that she is TWELVE and probably a WAITRESS...um... But I digress.
Anyhoo, tonight i'm going to a reception (read: free booze) at this furniture gallery that my parents frequent. Then they're taking me to dinner. I LOVE FREE THINGS, especially when I can wear jeans and gold ankle-strap heels and drink chilly cocktails while doing them. I was going to hit that chichi gay bar with Just Joe et al but his et al got wasted yesterday so tonight's plans have been dashed. I'm probably better off anyway, since tomorrow will be a bigbigbig day. A wedding at 2:30, then seeing a friend's band play around 7, then around 9 off to a party in Scottsdale for another friend's wedding. Sunday I am going to lay on the sofa like a dead person and watch my Netflix bounty.
No debates for me - I went to the gym. Didn't want to get all worked up. But they had it on with closed captioning, so I was able to follow bits of it. What was really spooky was that on the drive home the debate was still in progress, and the town looked deserted! I'm hoping that people were glued to their televisions & watching the debate, but it was also must-see tv night on nbc, so it's likely they were probably eating Domino's pizza and watching "Joey."